
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Short 24 secs video clip using snap movie (road movie) app - android

I had been very intrigued ever since my japanese friend had introduced to me the short 24 secs video clip. First created by Honda, whose initial purpose was to let people film road trips, it evolve into millions of people in Japan and Korea filming whatever their want. It became a very creative app as it is very easy to use and the effects were very creative.

Unfortunately I only got to know it when my exchange trip was nearing the end. I thought I would be able to download it back in Singapore, alas it was only downloadable in Japan and Korea, via Apple Korea. Tried my means to download it but it was unavailable in Singapore, or rather anywhere outside Korea and Japan. Not sure if its ok to download in the states.

Luckily over at android, another app was created. Its called Snap movie. Similar effects, but perhaps not as original and pretty as the Road Movie app that Honda has created. But I'm satisfied. Because no matter what I am able to create these 24 secs really nice clips!! Its short, yet just the right amount of time that we need so we won't feel bored after that. I've made two this morning. The one with Wen Hua's baby is shoooo cuteeeeeee. XD Enjoy. =D

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